Lee has been providing premium technical game development support & Lua scripts to Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine users under the guise of AFRLme since 2012.

{ Away From Real Life }
AFRLme [Hey · Heff · Argh! · Hell · hem · he]


Stuck? Need a helping hand? Or maybe you're just after a wee bit of advice?


in-editor development


extensibility through Lua


in-editor debugging

General Support

one-on-one & group chat support

Remote Support

remote viewing & remote access support

Praise be the almighty, er...

One man army, indie studio or GIANT corporation?

It's all gravy to us! If I can be of service. Great! If I don't think I can achieve what you are asking, I'll let you know outright rather than wasting your time; or mine.

All rates are in €uros. Development rates are hourly. Scripting rates are x cents per character (letter/number, etc).
AGD projects are welcome, but I won't list them on my portfolio.
For more information please enquire via Discord @ afrlme.